Summer Course 2013
Sunday 21st to Friday 26th July, 2013
Franciscan College, Gormanston, County Meath
Guest Lecturer: Flemming Vejsnæs
The guest speaker in 2013 will be Flemming Vejsnæs from Denmark. Flemming is a biologist (M.Sc) with focus on pollination.
Since 1991 he is the beekeeping adviser employed by the Danish Beekeepers Association which has a membership of 4,500 members.
For the past 20 years the main focus has been on practical varroa-treatment in the organic way, keeping Danish honey free of unwanted medicals. The aim has been to test and convert new varroa control methods to useful organic tools for the practical beekeeper while keeping honey completely free from unwanted residues.
He is involved in practical fieldwork and continuous development of beekeeping is important. In the main Danish beekeepers fight varroa in the organic way. Over the years Flemming has travelled to beekeeping congresses abroad, visiting beekeepers in other countries which is important to get new beekeeping inspiration.
He is actively involved in the international Coloss network, focusing on the widespread looses of colonies over the last 5-10 years worldwide, which has developed a network in nearly all European countries and is of great benefit for the Danish Beekeepers.
During the past 20 years Flemming has been the editor of the Danish beekeeper magazine and is now the webmaster of, were there is some English written information. Keep bees alive, healthy and honey clean is the keyword for modern beekeeping.

Course Manager: Eamon Magee
Dermot 0 Flaherty, Philip McCabe
Eamon Tubman and Liam Rice
Sunday 21st July
Evening Meal at 5pm & Official Opening at 7pm followed by Cheese & Wine Reception
Evening Meal will NOT be served after 6pm on Sunday.
Advanced, Intermediate, Preliminary
- Beeswax
- Microscopy
- Morphometry
- Hive Making
- Queen Rearing
- Furniture Polishing
Other Events
- National Honey Show
- Annual Congress
Activities at Gormanston
- Swimming
- Tennis
- Golf
The full FIBKA Preliminary Course is taught during the week, including two practical apiary sessions. Participants, even those with no previous beekeeping experience, may take the Preliminary examination on Thursday afternoon.
Please bring protective clothing if you intend to work with bees. Protective clothing may be purchased on site if required.
How to get to Gormanston
Ferries from Britain arrive at Dublin (North Wall) and Dun Laoghaire (Dun Laoghaire to Dublin is 9 miles).
Foot passengers should travel to the Central Bus Station, Store Street, Dublin, and then by bus (Normal Service) to Gormanston. Do not use the Express Bus Service because it does not stop at Gormanston. Ask to be let down at The Huntsman Innwhich is only a few hundred yards from the back entrance to the College
Take train from Connolly Station to Balbriggan Station and a taxi to Gormanston College.
Please note that the College is quite a distance from Gormanston Train Station.
Gormanston College – Co-Ordinates 53°.37′ N – 06°.14′ W
Car drivers approaching from Dublin use the M1 motorway to Belfast and take Exit 7 for Julianstown/Drogheda South. Turn right just before The Huntsman Inn and proceed for about a mile. The College gates are on the right.
Dublin Airport
Gormanston is approximately 20 miles from Dublin Airport on the road to Belfast. A special bus will leave the airport for the college at 5p.m. Sunday and a return service will leave the college on Friday.
Board the bus in Airport Coach Park, through the multi-story car park door under the raised canopy and out the other side.
Intending bus passengers please notify Course Convenors Gerry & Mary Ryan when making reservation.
The service bus from Dublin to Drogheda calls at the Airport. Ask to be let off at The Huntsman.
Accommodation consists of En-Suites rooms, Single rooms, rooms with three cubicles and dormitories.
En-suite rooms are all booked, but rooms may be available if cancellations occur. Only limited family accommodation available.
Early booking advised because of reduced accommodation.
Those wishing to book accommodation outside of the college which is their responsibility should visit the Fáilte Ireland Website at or contact Balbriggan Tourist Office at 00 353 1 84300027 or City North Hotel 00 353 (0)1 890 6666
Full Week – Residential
En-suite rooms | €405 |
Rooms | €335 |
Rooms with three cubicles | €320 |
Dormitory | €305 |
B & B | €30 |
- €20 reduction if full fee paid before 1st July
- Children under 13 years of age: 15% reduction
- Deposit €50
(Non-refunable if cancelled after 1st July.)
A deposit of €22 is required by college when securing your dormitory key, €20 refundable on returning key.
Non Residents Attending
Lectures Only | €18 |
Lectures, Lunch & Evening Meal | €43 |
Lectures & Lunch | €27 |
Lectures & Evening Meal | €32 |
Lunch | €11 |
Evening Meal | €16 |
- Please note day rate will be charged for any stay less than a week.
- Above prices include tea/coffee at 10.30 a.m. and 3.30 p.m. each day
Day visitors are advised to come early to avoid long delays at registration.
Registration desk opens at 8 a.m.
Send reservation form with deposit or full fee to:
Gerry & Mary Ryan
County Tipperary
Tel: 00353 (0)62 71274 or 00353 (0)87 1300751 or 00 353 (0)87 9745115
Email: email:
(Early booking essential – limited places available)
- Closing date is Friday 5th July 2013.
- Cheques payable to F.I.B.K.A
Cancellation to reach course Convenor at least 7 days before opening day otherwise cancellations and non-attendance will be subject to a cancellation fee of€20.
Residents will supply their own soap & towels. Bed linen & blankets will be supplied.
Bee Stings – General Guidelines
If the beginner is in any way allergic to stings he/she should not contemplate taking up beekeeping without seeking medical advice.
It is inevitable that at some stage a beekeeper will get stung and for that reason a tub of antihistamine ointment should be kept at hand.
What to do in the apiary: If a beekeeper has a severe reaction to stings:-
- Move the person away from the hives.
- Scrape out the sting/s.
- Get the person to sit down and place in the recovery position so that he/she is as comfortable as possible to help breathing.
- Always have a charged mobile phone near at hand and ring for an ambulance – give the address of the apiary and say it is a bee sting reaction.
- The patient’s doctor might have prescribed an Epi-pen adrenaline injection to carry, for an emergency. Only the patient or a trained colleague who has been given prior permission by the patient may use this injection.
Doctor on Call: Tel No 1850777911
Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital Drogheda (6 miles distant). Telephone Number: 041-9837601
Honey Show
If you wish to exhibit in Honey Show please apply to Honey Show Secretary for a copy of the Schedule. The Schedule is also available online here–>

Mr Graham Hall
38 Elton Park
Co. Dublin
Tel. + 353 (0)1-2803053 & (0)87-2406198